Annual Event

We would like to invite all our members to our Annual Event to be held on 5th February 2022 at St Andrew’s Grammar School 4pm onwards. This is a member’s only event. Please pay your membership for 2022 by 15th Jan in order to be able to attend and RSVP your attendance by 23rd Jan for catering purpose.

RSVP Annual Event

All performance preparations are well and truly under way, auditions will be on 9th Jan at Pearsll Hocking Community Centre 10am – 12pm, Preeti Dungar will be in contact with individual groups on the timings.

We encourage our talented students to come forward and receive the praise and recognition they deserve at this year’s educational awards.

We request all recent university graduates during the 2020/2021 period to email with a photograph/copy of their degree/academic transcript.

We welcome individuals and businesses interested in sponsoring/donating.

Areas of donation are Raffles, Education Awards, Participants Awards, Venue Hire and Food.

We thank you in advance for your generous support and kindness.

For more details email

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