Which ‘Gaam’ will take the most trophies home?
Sunday 15th April is going to be a friendly yet competitive day for us all with athletic field and track races, obstacle races, telematch team races and tug of war.
Registration Forms open for participation. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST (Entries close Sunday 11th March)
DATE: 15th April 2018
VENUE: Whiteman Park, Location Shelter Y1 and Y2
TIME: Arrive to the ground by 8:30 am, Games to begin strictly at 9:00 am
Other Details:
*Form Registration deadline – 11th March 2018. Entries after the deadline will not be accepted.
* Let your respective Gaam members know about this event and place the event flyer on your Gaam Facebook pages (if available).
* Free lunch and refreshments will be provided.
* Open event for all SKLP Community (including non-paid SKLPC members).
* If you would like to volunteer for the event, please let us know.
Contact: Bipin Hirani – 0423 766 481 or Koushik Hirani – 0430 110 797