Our Samaj

Samaj Mission Statement

To provide an opportunity to develop social values for the benefit of society through education, culture, sports and social activities”

Core Values:

  • Culture – Develop and maintain the underlying values of Indian Gujarati Culture
  • Respect – For each other, Compassion and understanding of of the diversity around us
  • Integrity – Accountability in all activities and interactions with honesty
  • Community – Participating and contributing as citizens in the wider community
  • Communication – Encourage effective interchange of thoughts, opinions, ideas and information amongst community members and others around us.


“Samaj” definition: From the Sanskrit word samaja, sam (= together) + ajati (= he drives)
(source: Merriam Webster)

We are all part of this Samaj through our heritage which is our common shared bond and sense of identity that gives a warm glow inside and a sense of pride in being a ‘Kanbi’.

In the past, our community has persevered to protect its individual families from drought, serious illnesses and lack of opportunities. We have ventured out to various parts of the world to ensure that the future generations have the opportunity to acquire the best of everything.

With such extensive perseverance the results speak for themselves, from agriculturalists, manual labourers on landlord’s farms and demanding labour on road construction; we developed into masons and carpenters, tradespeople and gradually into entrepreneurs.

Our parents recognised the significance of having an appropriate educational background and the fruit of their hard work is broadly evident today. Our community can proudly boast professionals representing practically every industry sector, with individuals excelling in their fields of pursuit.

The activities developed steadily over years have culminated in a strong and vibrant Kanbi cultural community both here in Australia and throughout the world . The foundation of our current Samaj is strong due to the hard work and dedication of our past and present Executive Committee, volunteers, as well as the ongoing support from our community.

We are one people, one Samaj.
Lets uphold a strong community spirit!

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